At Swepart we automated visual inspections in their production environment with full traceability. Swepart is one of Sweden’s leading manufacturers of transmission solutions. They design and manufacture advanced gears, drive shafts, and customized gears for well-known global trends. Swepart operates two factories in Liatorp and Sibbhult. Today, Swepart has had three Gimic units since 2019.
Hear what Swepart has to say:
"The benefits we have with our Gimic solution is that we see constant results of inspections on our products. It is difficult to get the same assessment from several individuals, since all humans are different. Further has the Gimic solution ensured that we can automate to a greater degree. This brings a better working environment for our employees and releases the operators for more valuable tasks." - Production technician at Swepart
The picture below shows the inside of the automation unit, examples from inspection and a picture from inside our follow-up system.

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